You can specify the following criteria in the advanced screen:

  • Search for: Type a word or phrase in this field to represent the text you want to search for in the collections you previously selected. Follow these rules for specifying your search text:

    • To search for multiple words, separate each word with a space. For example, if you specify time manage, the search engine will return all documents that contain the words time or manage. Additionally, it will return all documents that contain variations of these words, such as timely and management.

    • If you are going to perform a Boolean search, you can search for an exact word or phrase by enclosing the word or phrase in quotation marks. For example, if you specify "time manage" as your Boolean search query, a list of all documents that contain the phrase "time manage" will appear.
      • Use AND to return all documents that contain the words you specified in the Search for field. For example, entering Monet AND lilies would return all documents that contained the words Monet and lilies.

      • Use OR to return all documents that contain at least one of the words you specified in the Search for field. For example, entering Monet OR lilies would return documents that contained Monet or lilies.
      • Use NOT to return all documents that contain the first word you entered in the Search for field, but not the second word you entered. For example, entering Monet NOT lilies would return documents that only contained Monet but no lilies.


Search for the phrase time management in collections X, Y, and Z using a Boolean search. Include documents that also contain the word "schedule" and any of its variations. Exclude any documents that pertaining to the subject of "office". Only show 20 returned documents.

  1. Enter the following in the Search for field:

    "time management" AND schedule NOT office

  2. Click Start Search. A list with all the documents will appear.


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